The Villager

The Intelligent and hard working Black Ants

Don't watch this video just like other videos you watch... It's lot different from others... 

If you casually see this video ... You just see the group of ants moving a huge food to their home... and you totally miss all the smart and hard work involved on that transportation...! 

All ants are all-rounders, they move their food little, then they go to check the path and come back to replace other, they do it regularly to find the quick and hurdle less way reach their home...!

Like those ants we have to move forward to find our better way before moving our life to avoid hurdles on our ways...!

Crows Recovery from current shock...!

On a fine morning, i saw an young crow hit the ground due to electric shock... Suddenly all crows and squirrels started making noise.. I thought it's dead..but some magic take place.. it started to recover ... 

* All the crows and squirrels encouraged it to recover...

*‎ Mean while a dog came to catch it, I interfered and saved it...

*‎ Finally it's fully recovered within minutes...

From that incident I learned the following:

*Always motivate and cheer-up the person, who's having problem...!

*‎ If you keep trying , you will get help ...!

*‎Never Give up Until you find solution for your problem....!